Relationships IRL: Do you want Real or Ideal?
Is love the cure-all that’s promised in the movies? The landscape of relationships is changing. Let’s explore the real vs. the ideal!
Is love the cure-all that’s promised in the movies? The landscape of relationships is changing. Let’s explore the real vs. the ideal!
Life makes conflicting demands on us making us think that balance is a unicorn. Can we have it all? Read to find out!
In this post, learn how to reflect, embrace, and lead with hope in times of darkness. When times are tough, it is possible to find the light.
Looking to give the gift of wellness this holiday season? Check out this post for recommended wellness products for around $30 and under!
Having boundaries is a significant part of self-care. Do you need them? Are they good for you? Read this post to learn more!
Want to know if your relationship is healthy and how to strengthen it? Then you’re going to want to read this post to find out!
A big life change or transition can sometimes be foreseen or unexpected. Here are 5 ways to handle big life changes to help you through!
Especially if you have small children, planning a vacation may seem like a lot of work. Here, we simplify planning to make your vacation happy and actually happen!
In our distracted world, listening can be tough. In this post, learn how to really listen to those you care about.
What’s better empathy or sympathy? Most get these two mixed up, so let’s learn what’s better for ourselves and those we communicate with.
© Life Design by Amy 2020
Send Love to: 915 Bennetts Mills Rd., PO BOX 698, Jackson NJ 08527
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