All About Life Design

Learn all about Life Design and what to expect from the new Insights Blog where self-discovery and designing the life you want are inspired weekly!
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Freedom to live the life you want is possible.  When we are trapped in our own self-created patterns or in facing circumstances outside our control that may seem laughable, but I promise you it is possible-all with timing and perspective.  I once was a burned-out business owner struggling to balance my work and home life.  I since have re-designed a life that works for me and my family and every day I am grateful for it and how far I have come both personally and professionally. I can tell you it wasn’t luck that brought me here, I worked my ass off. 

You see, there are many people out there who feel stuck and so they continue each day feeling unhappy and repeating the same shit that got them in that position in the first place (I was one of them).  “Those people” are busy people, often professionals.  They try their best to balance work with whatever else in their life and it doesn’t always blend well.  I saw there were groups out there for working moms, working dads, working professionals.  But there wasn’t a place online that was simply for busy people to learn, grow, and tell it like it REALLY is, so Life Design by Amy was born. 

We all have our inner strengths/weaknesses, habits, desires, and lifestyles that either are helping or harming us.  It’s normal and it’s OK!  My goal is for anyone who visits this blog to learn something about themselves each week, to challenge themselves to grow with the goal of being able to experience better relationships, develop more skills and build an awareness that designing a life they actually like is attainable. 

So thank you for reading this!  Life design is about creating the life that you want, taking control of what you can, and riding the waves of what you cannot.  I will do my best as your Life Coach to keep you motivated and inspired through every post I write.  

I am with you on this journey, you are not alone.

You got this! 


-Amy xo

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